
Which Type Of Inspection Is Right For You?

We offer many different types of inspections with a combination of add-ons. No matter your situation, we have an inspection that is right for you.

  • Condo Inspection
    Whether purchasing an apartment style or townhouse style condo, an inspection is never a bad idea. Even if it's just the interior of your new home, many things could cause problems down the line.
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  • Essential Inspection
    This is the home inspection every prospective home buyer should have. It addresses all the major systems of a home to make sure your dream home is exactly that and nothing catches you by surprise.
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  • Extended Inspection
    The extended home inspection takes our essential inspection a step further. It addresses all the major systems in a home and adds thermal imaging, and energy audit, appliances and more.
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It's easy to book an inspection with us.

Simply call our office and we'll be happy to set an appointment that fits your schedule. Our office is open from 8AM to 8PM Sunday through Saturday. If you're calling after hours, please leave a message and we'll get back to you within 12 hours.

To book online, check our Book Inspection page for more information.

Prairie Building Inspections Ltd.
Box 285
Clavet, SK, Canada
S0K 0Y0
Telephone: +1 306 380 3786

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